2018 United Nations List of Protected Areas of Palau

Information extracted from the July 2018 WDPA release

This list was compiled from data based on the July 2018 version of the WDPA. In addition to protected areas with spatial data in the WDPA, the 2018 version of the UN List includes sites for which no spatial data is available but which have been provided by the relevant country. Management effectiveness information is extracted from GD-PAME. Both databases are updated and released via www.protectedplanet.net on a monthly basis. The depiction and use of boundaries and related data shown on maps are not guaranteed to be error free nor do they necessarily imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Designation Type/ Designation in English / Name of Protected Areas Status Year of designation Area (km2) IUCN category PAME methodology Year of PAME assessment
Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance
Lake Ngardok Nature Reserve Designated 2002 5.00 Not Reported Not Reported 0
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve
Ngaremeduu Designated 2005 129.50 Not Applicable Not Reported 0
World Heritage Site (natural or mixed)
Rock Islands Southern Lagoon Inscribed 2012 1002.00 Not Applicable Not Reported 0
Bird Area
Fanna Island Designated 0 0.35 V Not Reported 0
Bird Sanctuary
Ngermeskang Designated 0 0.34 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Conservation Area
Diong Fra Ngerchokl Designated 0 0.00 V National PAME Assessment 2014
East Coast Ngaraad Designated 0 0.55 V Not Reported 0
Ebiil Designated 0 37.94 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Lleyakl Beluu/Omolei Designated 0 0.00 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Mesekelat Designated 0 3.72 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Ngaremeduu Designated 0 167.94 V Not Reported 0
Ngatpang Clam Designated 0 0.00 V Not Reported 0
Ngatpang Crab Designated 0 0.00 V Not Reported 0
Ngatpang Fish Designated 0 0.00 V Not Reported 0
Ngchesechang Designated 0 1.44 V Not Reported 0
Ngederrak Reef Designated 0 5.89 V Not Reported 0
Ngelukes Designated 0 0.00 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Ngemai Designated 0 0.00 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Ngemelis Designated 0 40.31 V Not Reported 0
Ngerchelchuus Designated 0 0.00 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Ngerchur & Ngerkeklau Designated 0 4.76 V Not Reported 0
Ngeream Designated 0 1.82 V Not Reported 0
Ngerkal Lake Designated 0 0.00 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Ngermasech Designated 0 3.36 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Rock Islands Designated 0 0.00 V Not Reported 0
Teluleu Designated 0 0.43 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Ungelell Designated 0 0.03 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Cronservation Area
Ngaraard Mangrove Designated 0 2.89 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Mangrove Conservation Area
Imul Mangrove Designated 0 0.00 V Not Reported 0
Oikul Designated 0 0.24 V Not Reported 0
Marine Sanctuary
Palau National Marine Sanctuary Designated 2015 500000.00 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Nature Reserve
Ngardok Designated 0 6.10 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Ngermeskang Designated 0 8.77 V Not Reported 0
Helen Reef Designated 0 0.00 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Ngeruangel Designated 0 56.59 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Ngkisaol Sardines Designated 0 1.13 V Not Reported 0
Spawning Area
Ngerumekoal Designated 0 3.52 V National PAME Assessment 2014
State Conservation Area
Airai Designated 0 3.19 V Not Reported 0
Ngardmau Waterfall Designated 0 0.00 V Not Reported 0
Wildlife Preserve
Ngerukewid Islands Designated 0 11.40 V National PAME Assessment 2014
Wildlife Reserve
Ngerchebal Island Designated 0 0.10 V Not Reported 0