International |
Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance |
Ghadira |
Designated |
1988 |
0.11 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Is-Simar |
Designated |
1996 |
0.05 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
National |
Area of Ecological Importance |
Bur salmastru f'Ta'Qassisu (l/tal-Mellieħa) |
Designated |
1995 |
0.00 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Bur salmastru fil-Ħofra (l/tal-Mellieħa) |
Designated |
1995 |
0.03 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Bur salmastru fir-Ramla tal-Bir (l/tal-Mellieħa) |
Designated |
1995 |
0.01 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ġebel ta' Bejn il-Kmiemen, limiti ta' Għajnsielem |
Designated |
2002 |
0.01 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għajn Tuffieħa, limiti ta' l-Imġarr |
Designated |
1995 |
0.22 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għaram tar-Ramel f'Daħlet Xilep, il-Mellieħa |
Designated |
1996 |
0.01 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għaram tar-Ramel fir-Ramla tal-Mixquqa, il-Mellieħa |
Designated |
1996 |
0.03 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Wied ta' Għajn Żejtuna (limiti tal-Mellieħa) |
Designated |
2009 |
0.03 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Irdumijiet Ta' Madwar il-Kosta f'Ta' Buleben, San Pawl il-Baħar |
Designated |
1996 |
0.05 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Irdumijiet Ta' Madwar il-Kosta miċ-Ċirkewwa sa Bengħisa |
Designated |
1996 |
23.28 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Irdumijiet Ta' Madwar il-Kosta mid-Daħla ta' San Tumas sas-Sarċ |
Designated |
1996 |
1.68 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Irdumijiet Ta' Madwar il-Kosta mill-Irdum tal-Griebeġ sa Il-Qala tal-Mistra fil-Mellieħa/San Pawl il-Baħar |
Designated |
1996 |
1.76 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Irdumijiet Ta' Madwar il-Kosta mill-Ponta ta' l-Aħrax sa Rdum il-Ħmar fil-Mellieħa |
Designated |
1996 |
1.42 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Irdumijiet Ta' Madwar Il-Kosta mill-Ponta tal-Miġnuna sal-Bajja ta' San Tumas f' Wied il-Għajn |
Designated |
1996 |
0.02 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Irdumijiet Ta' Madwar il-Kosta mill-Ponta tal-Qrejten sal-Qala ta' San Ġorg f'Marsaxlokk/Birżebbuġa |
Designated |
1996 |
0.15 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Irdumijiet Ta' Madwar il-Kosta minn Tal-Blata sal-Qala tal-Għażżenin |
Designated |
1996 |
0.16 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-irdum, l-għerien u l-Wirt Arkeoloġiku f'Tas-Sellum u Wied Għajn Żejtuna, limiti tal-Mellieħa |
Designated |
2000 |
0.09 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ramla l-Ħamra, Għawdex |
Designated |
1995 |
0.07 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Siġar f'Kennedy Grove, is-Salini, limiti ta' San Pawl il-Baħar u n-Naxxar |
Designated |
1996 |
0.08 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied il-Balluta, limiti ta' San Ġiljan |
Designated |
2011 |
0.05 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Area of Ecological Importance/Site of Scientific Importance |
Bur salmastru f' Qalet Marku (l/tan-Naxxar) |
Designated |
1995 |
0.01 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Bur salmastru f' Ramlet il-Qortin (l/tal-Mellieħa) |
Designated |
1995 |
0.01 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Bur salmastru fil-ftuħ ta' Wied il-Mistra (l/tal-Mellieħa u San Pawl il-Baħar) |
Designated |
1995 |
0.02 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Bur salmastru fil-Magħluq (l/ta' Wied il-Għajn) |
Designated |
1995 |
0.04 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Bur salmastru, Xagħri, Masġar u Steppa fis-Salini, limiti ta' San Pawl il-Baħar u n-Naxxar |
Designated |
1996 |
0.42 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għadajjar ta' l-ilma ħelu f'Għajn Klin, ix-Xatt l-Aħmar (l/ta' Għajnsielem, Għawdex) |
Designated |
1995 |
0.01 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għadajjar ta' l-ilma ħelu fil-Qaliet (l/ta' San Ġiljan) |
Designated |
1995 |
0.02 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għadajjar ta' l-ilma ħelu fil-Qammieħ |
Designated |
1995 |
0.01 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għadajjar ta' l-ilma ħelu fil-Qattara, Dwejra (l/ta' San Lawrenz, Għawdex) |
Designated |
1995 |
0.02 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għadajjar ta' l-ilma ħelu fl-Għadira s-Safra, Għallis (l/tan-Naxxar) |
Designated |
1995 |
0.02 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għadajjar ta' l-ilma ħelu fl-Għadira ta' Sarraflu (l/ta' Kerċem, Għawdex) |
Designated |
1995 |
0.03 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għajn Barrani u l-Qortin ta' Għajn Damma, limiti tax-Xagħra u ż-Żebbuġ, Għawdex |
Designated |
2006 |
0.80 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għaram tar- Ramel fir-Ramla tat-Torri, limiti tal Mellieħa |
Designated |
1996 |
0.04 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għaram tar-Ramel fl-Armier, limiti tal-Mellieħa |
Designated |
1996 |
0.03 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għaram tar-Ramel u Bur Salmastru fil-Qala ta' Santa Marija, Kemmuna |
Designated |
1996 |
0.02 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Id-Dwejra u l-Qawra, limiti ta' San Lawrenz u Kerċem, Għawdex |
Designated |
2011 |
2.50 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Buskett |
Designated |
1996 |
1.14 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ġebla l-Ħalfa, limiti tal-Qala |
Designated |
2002 |
0.00 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ġebla taċ-Ċawl, limiti tal-Qala |
Designated |
2002 |
0.00 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ġebla tal-Ġeneral, limiti ta' San Lawrenz |
Designated |
2002 |
0.01 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Gżejjer ta' Filfa |
Designated |
2002 |
0.07 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Gżejjer ta' San Pawl (Selmunett), limiti tal-Mellieħa |
Designated |
2002 |
0.11 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Magħluq, limiti ta' Marsaxlokk |
Designated |
2006 |
0.22 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Maqluba |
Designated |
2008 |
0.03 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-qiegħ tal-Wied minn Ta' Blankas sal-bajja Ta' Mġarr ix-Xini |
Designated |
2001 |
0.76 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Qortin Isopu, il-Qortin tal-Magun u l-Qortin il-Kbira (Nadur, Għawdex) |
Designated |
2006 |
0.94 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Wied ta' Rinella fil-Kalkara |
Designated |
2002 |
0.27 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Wied tal-Kalkara fil-Kalkara |
Designated |
2002 |
0.06 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ix-Xatt, il-Wied u x-Xagħra ġo r-Rifle Ranges ta' Pembroke |
Designated |
1996 |
0.89 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Kemmunett, limiti ta' Għajnsielem |
Designated |
2002 |
0.11 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Għar ta' Calypso, ix-Xagħra |
Designated |
2009 |
0.04 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi ta' l-Għadira mill-Bajja tal-Mellieħa saċ-Ċumnija fil-Mellieħa |
Designated |
2006 |
1.02 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-inħawi tas-Simar mit-Triq tal-Miżieb sa Xatt il-Pwales, limiti ta' San Pawl il-Baħar |
Designated |
2006 |
0.76 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Sistema ta' Widien tas-Salina |
Designated |
2012 |
3.42 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Tal-Wej, limiti tal-Mosta u n-Naxxar |
Designated |
2011 |
0.19 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wardija Ridge, Il-Ballut tal-Wardija, Il-Wied ta' San Martin, u l-inħawi tal-madwar |
Designated |
2008 |
3.12 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied Blandun limiti tal-Fgura u Raħal Ġdid |
Designated |
2001 |
0.04 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied Għollieqa |
Designated |
1997 |
0.12 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied Għomor u Wied il-Kbir, limiti ta' San Ġwann, San Ġiljan u s-Swieqi |
Designated |
1999 |
0.76 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied Ħarq Ħamiem u l-Għar ta' Ħarq Ħamiem, limiti ta' San Ġiljan u Pembroke |
Designated |
1996 |
0.07 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied il-Baħrija/Wied Rini u Wied Gerżuma, limiti tar- Rabat |
Designated |
1996 |
2.77 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied il-Miżieb, Wied tax-Xaqrani u l-inħawi tal-madwar, limiti tal-Mellieħa) |
Designated |
2010 |
0.77 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied ix-Xlendi, Wied il-Lunzjata u l-inħawi tagħhom, fil-limiti ta' Kerċem, il-Munxar, Fontana u r-Rabat (Għawdex) |
Designated |
2000 |
2.48 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied l-Imselliet, tal-Ħżejjen, ta' Għajn Mula, ta' l-Arkata, ta' Għajn Riħana, Ġebel Sarnu, Tat-Tarġa u Ta' Benniena |
Designated |
2006 |
1.86 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Area of High Landscape Value |
Chadwick Lakes u parti mill-Imdina |
Designated |
2012 |
7.64 |
V |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ċittadella |
Designated |
2001 |
0.15 |
V |
Not Reported |
0 |
Diversi Rdumijiet |
Designated |
1996 |
38.59 |
V |
Not Reported |
0 |
Dwejra |
Designated |
2011 |
2.21 |
V |
Not Reported |
0 |
Fortifikazzjonijiet tal-Port |
Designated |
2001 |
9.35 |
V |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għajn Barrani |
Designated |
2008 |
0.80 |
V |
Not Reported |
0 |
Is-Saqqajja |
Designated |
2012 |
0.60 |
V |
Not Reported |
0 |
Mdina |
Designated |
2001 |
1.03 |
V |
Not Reported |
0 |
Victoria Lines |
Designated |
2001 |
4.97 |
V |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wardija Ridge |
Designated |
2008 |
4.23 |
V |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied il-Għasel |
Designated |
2012 |
0.26 |
V |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied il-Miżieb, Wied ta' Xaqrani u l-Inħawi |
Designated |
2010 |
0.77 |
V |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied ix-Xlendi |
Designated |
2008 |
2.47 |
V |
Not Reported |
0 |
Bird Sanctuary |
Bengħajsa, fil-limiti ta' Birżebbuġa |
Designated |
1994 |
0.01 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Girgenti |
Designated |
1994 |
0.14 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ġonna ta' Sant' Anton |
Designated |
1994 |
0.06 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ground ta' l-Isports tal-Marsa |
Designated |
1994 |
0.69 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Gżejjer ta' San Pawl |
Designated |
1994 |
0.11 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Gżira ta' Filfla |
Designated |
1994 |
0.07 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Gżira ta' Kemmuna |
Designated |
1994 |
2.76 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ħeliport f'ta' Lambert limiti ta' Għajnsielem u Xewkija, Għawdex |
Designated |
2003 |
0.05 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-kumpless Ta' Qali |
Designated |
1994 |
1.02 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-madwar ta' Kennedy Grove u s-Salini |
Designated |
1994 |
0.25 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-madwar ta' l-Għadira, fil-Bajja tal-Mellieħa |
Designated |
1994 |
1.15 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-madwar taċ-Ċimiterju ta' l-Addolorata |
Designated |
1994 |
0.48 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-madwar tal-bur salmastru f' Tal-Ballut, Marsaxlokk |
Designated |
1994 |
0.23 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-madwar tal-ġonna tal-Buskett, u l-Palazz ta' Verdala |
Designated |
1994 |
1.15 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Madwar tas-Simar, fir-Ramla tal-Pwales, San Pawl il-Baħar |
Designated |
1994 |
0.65 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Qawra, Għawdex |
Designated |
1994 |
0.27 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Ajruport ta' Ħal-Luqa |
Designated |
1994 |
6.56 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Għolja ta' Għammar, Għawdex |
Designated |
1994 |
0.12 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Għoljiet ta' Ħad-Dingli, fil-limiti ta' Ħad-Dingli |
Designated |
1994 |
0.01 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-inħawi fuq l-Għoljiet ta' Ċenċ, Għawdex |
Designated |
1994 |
0.18 |
IV |
Birdlife IBA |
2013 |
L-inħawi ta' Portes-des-Bombes |
Designated |
1994 |
0.14 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Istazzjoni tal-VOR, it-Tafal, fil-limiti ta' Kerċem, Għawdex |
Designated |
1994 |
0.01 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Manoel Island/Il-Gżira ta' Forti Manwel |
Designated |
1994 |
0.31 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Non-directional Beacon, Forti San Rokku, limiti tar-Rinella |
Designated |
1994 |
0.01 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied Għollieqa |
Designated |
1994 |
0.12 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied Rini, limiti tar-Rabat |
Designated |
1994 |
0.01 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
List of Historical Trees Having an Antiquarian Importance |
Bidnija, Wardija (Żebbuġ Antik) |
Designated |
1933 |
0.07 |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ballut tal-Wardija (Ballut Antik) |
Designated |
1933 |
0.01 |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Buskett (Siġar Antiki) |
Designated |
1933 |
0.00 |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ġonna ta' San Anton (Siġar Antiki) |
Designated |
1933 |
0.06 |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ġonna tal-Mall, Floriana (Siġar Antiki) |
Designated |
1933 |
0.01 |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Wied ta' l-Imġiebaħ, Mellieħa (Ballut Antik) |
Designated |
1933 |
0.00 |
Not Reported |
0 |
National Park |
Il-Majjistral, Park ta’ Natura u Storja |
Designated |
2007 |
2.49 |
II |
Not Reported |
0 |
Nature Reserve (Filfla) |
Filfla |
Designated |
1988 |
0.07 |
Ia |
Not Reported |
0 |
Nature Reserve (Islands) |
Il-Ġebla tal-Ġeneral |
Designated |
1992 |
0.01 |
Ia |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Gżejjer Selmunett (Gżejjer ta' San Pawl) |
Designated |
1993 |
0.11 |
Ia |
Not Reported |
0 |
No Berthing Zone/No Entry Zone except for Fisheries |
Il-Baħar ta' Madwar Filfla |
Designated |
1990 |
12.97 |
VI |
Not Reported |
0 |
Protected Beaches |
Il-Bajja ta' l-Armier |
Designated |
2007 |
0.05 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Bajja ta' Mġarr ix-Xini |
Designated |
2007 |
0.02 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Bajja ta' San Blas |
Designated |
2007 |
0.02 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Bajja tal-Ġnejna |
Designated |
2007 |
0.03 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Bajja tax-Xlendi |
Designated |
2007 |
0.01 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Prajjiet |
Designated |
2007 |
0.01 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ir-Ramla l-Ħamra |
Designated |
2007 |
0.06 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ir-Ramla ta' Għajn Tuffieħa |
Designated |
2007 |
0.04 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ir-Ramla taċ-Ċirkewwa |
Designated |
2007 |
0.02 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ir-Ramla tal-Mixquqa |
Designated |
2007 |
0.04 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ix-Xatt l-Aħmar |
Designated |
2007 |
0.01 |
Not Assigned |
Not Reported |
0 |
Site of Scientific Importance |
Ġebla Fessej |
Designated |
2001 |
0.00 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għar il-Friefet |
Designated |
1998 |
0.00 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Iċ-Ċirku, Ħaż-Żabbar |
Designated |
2009 |
0.05 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-bajja taċ-Ċagħaq ta' Kemmunett |
Designated |
2002 |
0.00 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Fekruna (Wied tax-Xlendi), l/ta' Munxar, Għawdex |
Designated |
1995 |
0.08 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ġebla tal-Għallis, limiti tan-Naxxar |
Designated |
2002 |
0.01 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ħnejja, limiti tal-Qala |
Designated |
2002 |
0.00 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
It-Taqtiegħa u t-Taqtiegħa ta' Delimara, limiti ta' Marsaxlokk |
Designated |
2002 |
0.00 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Parti minn Wied Musa, limiti tal-Mellieħa |
Designated |
1994 |
0.01 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ta' Ċenċ (Sannat, Għawdex) |
Designated |
2005 |
0.14 |
IV |
Birdlife IBA |
2013 |
Special Areas of Conservation - International Importance |
Filfla |
Designated |
2003 |
0.07 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Għar Dalam |
Designated |
2007 |
0.03 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Iċ-Ċittadella |
Designated |
2003 |
0.02 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Baħar tal-Punent |
Designated |
2016 |
231.06 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Baħar tan-Nofsinhar |
Designated |
2016 |
835.41 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Baħar tat-Tramuntana |
Designated |
2016 |
319.22 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ballut (l/ta' Marsaxlokk) |
Designated |
2003 |
0.23 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ballut tal-Wardija (l/ta' San Pawl il-Baħar) |
Designated |
2003 |
0.20 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Gżejjer ta' San Pawl / Selmunett |
Designated |
2003 |
0.11 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Magħluq tal-Baħar (l/ta' Marsascala) |
Designated |
2003 |
0.04 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Maqluba (l/ta' Qrendi) |
Designated |
2003 |
0.03 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Qortin tal-Magun u l-Qortin il-Kbir |
Designated |
2007 |
0.53 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Is-Salini |
Designated |
2003 |
0.24 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Is-Simar (l/ta' San Pawl il-Baħar) |
Designated |
2003 |
0.58 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ix-Xagħra tal-Kortin |
Designated |
2003 |
0.13 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Kemmuna, Kemmunett, Il-Ħaġriet ta' Bejn il-Kmiemen u l-Iskoll ta' Taħt il-Mazz |
Designated |
2003 |
2.95 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Għadira s-Safra |
Designated |
2003 |
0.02 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Għar ta' l-Iburdan |
Designated |
2007 |
0.02 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi t'Għajn Barrani |
Designated |
2003 |
0.55 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi ta' l-Għadira |
Designated |
2003 |
0.98 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi ta' l-Imġiebaħ / Tal-Miġnuna |
Designated |
2003 |
1.76 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi ta' Pembroke |
Designated |
2003 |
0.97 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi ta' Ta' Ċenċ |
Designated |
2008 |
1.40 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi tad-Dwejra - Qawra, inkluż Ħaġret il-Ġeneral |
Designated |
2003 |
0.87 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi tal-Buskett - Girgenti |
Designated |
2003 |
2.25 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi tar-Ramla |
Designated |
2003 |
0.07 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi tar-Ramla tat-Torri / Rdum tal-Madonna |
Designated |
2003 |
0.75 |
IV |
Birdlife IBA |
2013 |
L-Inħawi tax-Xlendi - Wied tal-Kantra |
Designated |
2003 |
2.96 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Rdumijiet ta' Malta |
Designated |
2003 |
23.16 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied il-Miżieb |
Designated |
2003 |
0.25 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Żona fil-Baħar bejn Irdum Majjiesa u Ras ir-Raħeb |
Designated |
2005 |
8.49 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Żona fil-baħar fil-Grigal ta' Malta |
Designated |
2010 |
155.19 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Żona fil-baħar fil-limiti ta' Għar Lapsi u ta' Filfla |
Designated |
2010 |
24.50 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Żona fil-baħar fil-limiti ta' Mġarr ix-Xini (Għawdex) |
Designated |
2010 |
0.31 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Żona fil-baħar fil-limiti tad-Dwerja (Għawdex) |
Designated |
2010 |
2.29 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Special Areas of Conservation - National Importance |
Il-Ġebla taċ-Ċawla |
Designated |
2003 |
0.00 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ġebla tal-Ħalfa |
Designated |
2003 |
0.00 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Għadira ta' Sarraflu (l/tal-Kerċem) |
Designated |
2003 |
0.03 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi Ta' Bloq / Wied Qirda |
Designated |
2003 |
0.46 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi ta' Wied Ħarq Ħammiem |
Designated |
2003 |
0.04 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi tan-Nuffara - In-Nuffara, Daħla tan-Nuffara, Tan-Nuffara |
Designated |
2003 |
0.11 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied Għollieqa (l/ta' San Ġwann) |
Designated |
2003 |
0.12 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Special Protection Areas |
Filfla |
Designated |
2007 |
0.07 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Baħar ta' madwar Għawdex |
Designated |
2016 |
556.85 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Baħar tal-Grigal |
Designated |
2016 |
625.59 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Baħar tal-Lbiċ |
Designated |
2016 |
256.30 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Baħar tal-Lvant |
Designated |
2016 |
351.94 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Baħar tal-Majjistral |
Designated |
2016 |
55.93 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Baħar tan-Nofsinhar |
Designated |
2016 |
835.41 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Baħar tat-Tramuntana |
Designated |
2016 |
319.22 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Baħar tax-Xlokk |
Designated |
2016 |
219.34 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Is-Simar (limiti ta' San Pawl il-Bahar) |
Designated |
2007 |
0.58 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Kemmuna, Kemmunett, Il-Ħaġriet ta' Bejn il-Kmiemen u l-Iskoll ta' Taħt il-Mazz |
Designated |
2007 |
2.95 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi tal-Buskett u tal-Girgenti |
Designated |
2007 |
2.45 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi tal-Għadira |
Designated |
2007 |
0.98 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi tar-Ramla tat-Torri u tal-Irdum tal-Madonna |
Designated |
2007 |
0.75 |
IV |
Birdlife IBA |
2013 |
Rdumijiet ta' Għawdex: Id-Dawra tas-Sanap sa tal-Ħajt |
Designated |
2007 |
0.30 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Rdumijiet ta' Għawdex: Il-Ponta ta' Ħarrux sal-Bajja tax-Xlendi |
Designated |
2007 |
0.57 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Rdumijiet ta' Għawdex: Il-Ponta ta' San Dimitri sal-Ponta ta' Ħarrux |
Designated |
2007 |
0.64 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Rdumijiet ta' Għawdex: Ta' Ċenċ |
Designated |
2007 |
1.52 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Rdumijiet ta' Malta: Ix-Xaqqa sa Wied Moqbol |
Designated |
2007 |
1.40 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Rdumijiet ta' Malta: Ras il-Pellegrin sax-Xaqqa |
Designated |
2007 |
3.78 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Rdumijiet ta' Malta: Wied Moqbol sal-Ponta ta' Bengħisa |
Designated |
2008 |
0.55 |
IV |
Birdlife IBA |
2013 |
Tree Protection Area |
Għajn Barrani (limiti tax-Xagħra) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.55 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ġnien il-Kbir, il-Buskett u Wied il-Girgenti |
Designated |
2011 |
2.45 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Iċ-Ċagħaq (limiti tal-Imġarr) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.00 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Iċ-Ċimiterju tal-Addolorata |
Designated |
2011 |
0.48 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ballut tal-Imġiebaħ (limiti tal-Mellieħa) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.04 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ballut tal-Wardija (limiti ta' San Pawl il-Baħar) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.20 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ħażina (Kemmuna) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.04 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Maqluba (limiti tal-Qrendi) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.03 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Qala ta' Santa Marija (Kemmuna) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.02 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Qattara (limiti ta' San Lawrenz) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.02 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Wied tal-Fiddien (limiti tar-Rabat) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.01 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Iż-Żebbuġ tal-Bidnija (limiti tal-Mosta) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.06 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi ta' Wied Il-Miżieb (limiti tal-Mellieħa) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.25 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi tal-Imtaħleb (limiti tar-Rabat) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.07 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inħawi tan-Nigret (limiti tan-Naxxar) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.16 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ta' Baldu / L-Inħawi ta' Wied Ħażrun (limiti tar-Rabat) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.05 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ta' Bloq - Għar Ħanżir (limiti ta' Ħal Qormi u s-Siġġiewi) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.33 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ta' San Blas (limiti Tar-Rabat and Ħaż-Żebbuġ) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.12 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Tal-Virgi (limiti ta' Marsaskala) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.00 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Triq il-Wied tal-Imsida |
Designated |
2011 |
0.00 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied Binġemma (limiti tan-Nadur) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.07 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied Għollieqa (limiti ta' San Ġwann u l-Imsida) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.12 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied il-Faħam (limiti ta' Ħal Għargħur) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.00 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied il-Għasel (limiti tal-Mosta) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.02 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied il-Ħut (limiti tar-Rabat) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.04 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied ir-Rum (limiti tar-Rabat) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.01 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied Moqbol (limiti taż-Żurrieq) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.02 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied Qirda (limiti tas-Siġġiewi) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.07 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied tal-Baħrija (limiti tar-Rabat) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.00 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied Żembaq (limiti ta' Birżebbuġa) |
Designated |
2011 |
0.11 |
IV |
Not Reported |
0 |
Regional |
Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive) |
Filfla u l-Gzejjer ta' Madwarha |
Designated |
2004 |
0.07 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ghar Dalam |
Designated |
2006 |
0.00 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ic-Cittadella |
Designated |
2004 |
0.02 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Bahar tal-Punent |
Designated |
2016 |
231.00 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Bahar tan-Nofsinhar |
Designated |
2016 |
835.40 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Bahar tat-Tramuntana |
Designated |
2016 |
319.20 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ballut ta' Marsaxlokk |
Designated |
2004 |
0.23 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Ballut tal-Wardija |
Designated |
2004 |
0.20 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Gzejjer ta' San Pawl (Selmunett) |
Designated |
2004 |
0.11 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Maghluq tal-Bahar ta' Marsaskala |
Designated |
2004 |
0.04 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Maqluba (limiti tal-Qrendi) |
Designated |
2004 |
0.03 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Qortin tal-Magun u l-Qortin il-Kbir |
Designated |
2006 |
0.53 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Is-Salini |
Designated |
2004 |
0.24 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Is-Simar (limiti ta' San Pawl il-Bahar) |
Designated |
2004 |
0.58 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Ix-Xaghra tal-Kortin |
Designated |
2004 |
0.13 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Kemmuna u l-Gzejjer ta' Madwarha |
Designated |
2004 |
2.95 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Ghadira s-Safra |
Designated |
2004 |
0.02 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Ghar tal-Iburdan u l-Inhawi tal-Madwar |
Designated |
2006 |
0.69 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inhawi ta' Ghajn Barrani |
Designated |
2004 |
0.55 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inhawi ta' Pembroke |
Designated |
2004 |
0.97 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inhawi ta' Ta' Cenc |
Designated |
2008 |
1.40 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inhawi tad-Dwejra u tal-Qawra; inkluz Hagret il-General |
Designated |
2004 |
0.87 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inhawi tal-Buskett u tal-Girgenti |
Designated |
2004 |
2.45 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inhawi tal-Ghadira |
Designated |
2004 |
0.98 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inhawi tal-Imgiebah u tal-Mignuna |
Designated |
2004 |
1.76 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inhawi tar-Ramla |
Designated |
2004 |
0.07 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inhawi tar-Ramla tat-Torri u tal-Irdum tal-Madonna |
Designated |
2004 |
0.75 |
Not Reported |
Birdlife IBA |
2013 |
L-Inhawi tax-Xlendi u tal-Wied tal-Kantra |
Designated |
2004 |
2.96 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Rdumijiet ta' Malta: Ir-Ramla tac-Cirkewwa sal-Ponta ta' Benghisa |
Designated |
2004 |
23.17 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Wied il-Mizieb |
Designated |
2004 |
0.25 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Zona fil-Bahar Bejn Rdum Majjiesa u Ras ir-Raheb |
Designated |
2006 |
8.49 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Zona fil-Bahar fil-Grigal ta' Malta |
Designated |
2010 |
155.19 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Zona fil-Bahar fl-Inhawi ta' Ghar Lapsi u ta' Filfla |
Designated |
2010 |
24.51 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Zona fil-Bahar fl-Inhawi ta' Mgarr ix-Xini (Ghawdex) |
Designated |
2010 |
0.31 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Zona fil-Bahar fl-Inhawi tad-Dwejra (Ghawdex) |
Designated |
2010 |
2.29 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Special Protection Area (Birds Directive) |
Filfla u l-Gzejjer ta' Madwarha |
Designated |
2004 |
0.07 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Bahar ta' madwar Ghawdex |
Designated |
2016 |
556.70 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Bahar tal-Grigal |
Designated |
2016 |
351.90 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Bahar tal-Lbic |
Designated |
2016 |
256.30 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Bahar tal-Lvant |
Designated |
2016 |
625.50 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Bahar tal-Majjistral |
Designated |
2016 |
55.92 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Bahar tan-Nofsinhar |
Designated |
2016 |
835.40 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Bahar tat-Tramuntana |
Designated |
2016 |
319.20 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Il-Bahar tax-Xlokk |
Designated |
2016 |
219.30 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Is-Simar (limiti ta' San Pawl il-Bahar) |
Designated |
2004 |
0.58 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Kemmuna u l-Gzejjer ta' Madwarha |
Designated |
2004 |
2.95 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inhawi tal-Buskett u tal-Girgenti |
Designated |
2004 |
2.45 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inhawi tal-Ghadira |
Designated |
2004 |
0.98 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
L-Inhawi tar-Ramla tat-Torri u tal-Irdum tal-Madonna |
Designated |
2004 |
0.75 |
Not Reported |
Birdlife IBA |
2013 |
Rdumijiet ta' Ghawdex: Id-Dawra tas-Sanap sa Tal-Hajt |
Designated |
2004 |
0.30 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Rdumijiet ta' Ghawdex: Il-Ponta ta' Harrux sal-Bajja tax-Xlendi |
Designated |
2004 |
0.57 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Rdumijiet ta' Ghawdex: Il-Ponta ta' San Dimitri sal-Ponta ta' Harrux |
Designated |
2004 |
0.64 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Rdumijiet ta' Ghawdex: Ta' Cenc |
Designated |
2004 |
1.52 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Rdumijiet ta' Malta: Ix-Xaqqa sa Wied Moqbol |
Designated |
2006 |
1.40 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Rdumijiet ta' Malta: Ras il-Pellegrin sax-Xaqqa |
Designated |
2006 |
3.78 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
0 |
Rdumijiet ta' Malta: Wied Moqbol sal-Ponta ta' Benghisa |
Designated |
2006 |
0.55 |
Not Reported |
Birdlife IBA |
2013 |