2018 United Nations List of Protected Areas of Egypt

Information extracted from the July 2018 WDPA release

This list was compiled from data based on the July 2018 version of the WDPA. In addition to protected areas with spatial data in the WDPA, the 2018 version of the UN List includes sites for which no spatial data is available but which have been provided by the relevant country. Management effectiveness information is extracted from GD-PAME. Both databases are updated and released via www.protectedplanet.net on a monthly basis. The depiction and use of boundaries and related data shown on maps are not guaranteed to be error free nor do they necessarily imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Designation Type/ Designation in English / Name of Protected Areas Status Year of designation Area (km2) IUCN category PAME methodology Year of PAME assessment
Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance
Lake Bardawil Designated 1988 595.00 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Lake Burullus Designated 1988 462.00 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Lake Qarun Protected Area Designated 2012 1340.42 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Wadi El Rayan Protected Area Designated 2012 1757.90 Not Reported Birdlife IBA 2001
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve
Omayed Designated 1981 758.00 Not Applicable GOBI Survey 2006
Wadi Allaqi Designated 1993 23800.00 Not Applicable GOBI Survey 2006
World Heritage Site (natural or mixed)
Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Inscribed 2005 200.15 Not Applicable WHA Outlook Report 2014
Developing Resources Protected Area
Red Sea Islands Designated 2006 1800.00 Not Reported METT 2009
Geological Protected Area
Dababia Designated 2007 1.00 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Marine Protected Area
El-Salum Designated 2010 383.00 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Multiple Use Management Area
Abu Gallum Designated 1996 400.00 VI RAPPAM 2006
Ashtum El Gamel Designated 1998 180.00 VI RAPPAM 2006
El Bourollus Designated 1998 460.00 VI Birdlife IBA; RAPPAM 2001; 2006
Elba Designated 1995 35600.00 VI RAPPAM 2006
Nabq Designated 1996 600.00 VI METT; RAPPAM 2009; 2006
Qarun Designated 1989 1354.00 VI RAPPAM 2006
Siwa Designated 2002 7800.00 VI RAPPAM 2006
Tourism Development Area I Designated 2003 29.00 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Tourism Development Area II Designated 2003 53.00 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Wadi Al Alaqi Designated 1996 30000.00 VI RAPPAM 2006
Wadi El Rayan Designated 1989 1759.00 VI Birdlife IBA; METT; RAPPAM 2001; 2009; 2006
National Park
El-Gelf El-Keber Designated 2007 48523.00 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Ras Mohammed Designated 1983 850.00 II METT; RAPPAM 2009; 2006
Wadi El-Gemal - Hamata Designated 2003 7450.00 II METT; RAPPAM 2009; 2006
Natural Heritage Protected Area
El-Wahat El-Bahreya Designated 2010 109.00 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Natural Monument
Taba Designated 1998 2800.00 III RAPPAM 2006
White Desert Designated 2002 3010.00 III METT; RAPPAM 2009; 2006
Nature Conservation Reserve
El Omayed Designated 1996 700.00 IV RAPPAM 2006
Zaranik Designated 1996 230.00 IV RAPPAM 2006
Protected Area
El-Galala El-Qebalya Proposed 1999 4814.86 Not Reported Not Reported 0
El-Maghara Proposed 1999 1387.67 Not Reported Not Reported 0
El-Qaseima Proposed 1999 546.57 Not Reported Not Reported 0
El-Qasr Proposed 1999 4029.23 Not Reported Not Reported 0
El-Qatara Depression Proposed 1999 22102.05 Not Reported Not Reported 0
El-Showela Proposed 1999 291.53 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Kor Kor and Dongol Proposed 1999 5718.59 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Malahet Ras Shukeir Proposed 1999 107.19 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Om El-Dabadeed Proposed 1999 3516.40 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Ras El-Hekma Proposed 1999 209.00 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Shaieb El-Banat Proposed 1999 4855.85 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Wadi Gyraphy Proposed 1999 1019.87 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Wadi Qena Proposed 1999 8006.56 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Protected Landscape
Salouga and Ghazal Designated 1986 0.50 V RAPPAM 2006
St. Catherine Designated 1996 5750.00 V METT; RAPPAM 2009; 2006
Wadi Degla Designated 1999 60.00 V METT; RAPPAM 2009; 2006
Strict Nature Reserve
El Ahrash Designated 1996 8.00 Ia RAPPAM 2006
Hasana Dome Designated 1989 1.00 Ia RAPPAM 2006
Petrified Forest Designated 1989 7.00 Ia RAPPAM 2006
Wadi El Assuti Designated 1989 35.00 Ia RAPPAM 2006
Wadi Sannur Cave Designated 1992 12.00 Ia RAPPAM 2006