2018 United Nations List of Protected Areas of Cameroon

Information extracted from the July 2018 WDPA release

This list was compiled from data based on the July 2018 version of the WDPA. In addition to protected areas with spatial data in the WDPA, the 2018 version of the UN List includes sites for which no spatial data is available but which have been provided by the relevant country. Management effectiveness information is extracted from GD-PAME. Both databases are updated and released via www.protectedplanet.net on a monthly basis. The depiction and use of boundaries and related data shown on maps are not guaranteed to be error free nor do they necessarily imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Designation Type/ Designation in English / Name of Protected Areas Status Year of designation Area (km2) IUCN category PAME methodology Year of PAME assessment
Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance
Barombi Mbo Crater Lake Designated 2006 4.09 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Estuaire du Rio Del Rey Designated 2010 1847.81 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Partie Camerounaise du Fleuve Ntem Designated 2012 357.11 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Partie camerounaise du fleuve Sangha Designated 2007 131.00 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Partie Camerounaise du Lac Tchad Designated 2008 2151.27 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Waza Logone Floodplain Designated 2012 7737.73 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Zone Humide d'Ebogo Designated 2012 32.06 Not Reported Not Reported 0
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve
Benoué Designated 1981 1800.00 Not Applicable Not Reported 0
Dja Designated 1981 5260.00 Not Applicable GOBI Survey 2006
Waza Designated 1979 1700.00 Not Applicable Not Reported 0
World Heritage Site (natural or mixed)
Dja Faunal Reserve Inscribed 1987 5260.00 Not Applicable Birdlife IBA; IMET; WHA Outlook Report 2001; 0; 2014
Sangha Trinational Inscribed 2012 7463.09 Not Applicable WHA Outlook Report 2014
Faunal Reserve
Dja Designated 2007 5266.24 IV Africa Rainforest Study; Birdlife IBA; METT; RAPPAM 2001; 2005; 2002
Douala Edéa Proposed 2010 2715.12 IV METT; RAPPAM 2011; 2002
Lac Ossa Designated 0 45.39 IV RAPPAM 2002
Ngoyla-Mintom Designated 2014 1566.48 IV Not Reported 0
Santchou Designated 0 95.00 IV Birdlife IBA; RAPPAM 2013; 2002
National Park
Bakossi Designated 2007 293.18 II METT; RAPPAM 0; 2002
Bénoué Designated 1968 1979.47 II Birdlife IBA; IMET; RAPPAM 2001; 2015; 2002
Bouba Ndjida Designated 1968 2113.82 II IMET; RAPPAM 2015; 2002
Boumba Bek Designated 0 2361.76 II METT; RAPPAM 2003; 2002
Campo-Ma'an Designated 0 2609.44 II IMET; METT; RAPPAM 2015; 0; 2002
Deng Deng Designated 2013 687.35 II Not Reported 0
Ebo Proposed 0 1416.67 II RAPPAM 2002
Faro Designated 1980 3500.14 II RAPPAM 2002
Kalamaloué Proposed 0 66.89 II RAPPAM 2002
Kimbi-Fungom Designated 2015 989.80 II Not Reported 0
Kom Proposed 0 678.39 II Not Reported 0
Korup Designated 1986 1261.44 II Africa Rainforest Study; IMET; METT; RAPPAM 2001; 0; 2002
Lobéké Designated 2001 2153.16 II IMET; METT; RAPPAM 0; 2003; 2002
Ma Mbed Mbed Proposed 2004 141.62 II Not Reported 0
Manyange na Elombo-Campo Proposed 2007 1103.00 II Not Reported 0
Mbam et Djerem Designated 2000 4290.88 II IMET; METT; RAPPAM 2015; 0; 2002
Mefou Proposed 2000 11.01 II Not Reported 0
Mont Cameroun Designated 2009 581.23 II METT 2012
Mozogo Gokoro Proposed 0 17.24 II RAPPAM 2002
Mpem et Djim Designated 2004 975.43 II Not Reported 0
Ndongere Proposed 2005 2344.64 II Not Reported 0
Nki Designated 2005 3129.65 II METT; RAPPAM 2003; 2002
Takamanda Designated 2008 627.17 II METT 2013
Tchabal Mbabo Proposed 2008 1067.62 II RAPPAM 2002
Vallée du Mbéré Designated 0 740.96 II RAPPAM 2002
Waza Designated 0 1405.89 II Birdlife IBA; RAPPAM 2001; 2002
Wildlife Sanctuary
Bayang-Mbo Designated 1996 663.47 IV METT; RAPPAM 2012; 2002
Kagwene Designated 2008 19.31 IV Not Reported 0
Kilum Ijim Designated 0 10.06 IV Not Reported 0
Mengame Designated 0 267.10 IV RAPPAM 2002
Rumpi Hills Proposed 0 451.68 IV RAPPAM 2002
Tofala Designated 2014 1566.48 IV Not Reported 0