2018 United Nations List of Protected Areas of Chile

Information extracted from the July 2018 WDPA release

This list was compiled from data based on the July 2018 version of the WDPA. In addition to protected areas with spatial data in the WDPA, the 2018 version of the UN List includes sites for which no spatial data is available but which have been provided by the relevant country. Management effectiveness information is extracted from GD-PAME. Both databases are updated and released via www.protectedplanet.net on a monthly basis. The depiction and use of boundaries and related data shown on maps are not guaranteed to be error free nor do they necessarily imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Designation Type/ Designation in English / Name of Protected Areas Status Year of designation Area (km2) IUCN category PAME methodology Year of PAME assessment
Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance
Aguas Calientes IV Designated 2009 155.29 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Bahía Lomas Designated 2004 589.46 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Carlos Anwandter Sanctuary Designated 1981 48.77 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Complejo Lacustre Laguna del Negro Francisco y Laguna Santa Rosa Designated 1996 624.60 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Humedal el Yali Designated 1996 5.20 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Laguna Conchalí Designated 2004 0.51 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Las Salinas de Huentelauquén (LSH) Designated 2015 27.72 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Parque Andino Juncal Designated 2010 137.96 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Pujsa Designated 2009 173.97 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Salar de Surire Designated 1996 158.58 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Salar de Tara Designated 1996 964.39 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Salar del Huasco Designated 1996 60.00 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Sistema Hidrológico de Soncor Designated 1996 2.49 Not Reported Not Reported 0
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve
Araucarias Designated 1983 933.50 Not Applicable Not Reported 0
Archipielago Juan Fernández Designated 1977 99.67 Not Applicable GOBI Survey 2006
Bosque Fray Jorge Designated 1977 98.45 Not Applicable Not Reported 0
Bosques Templados Lluviosos Designated 2007 21689.56 Not Applicable Not Reported 0
Cabo de Hornos Designated 2005 48935.00 Not Applicable GOBI Survey 2006
Corredor Biologico Nevados de Chillan-Laguna del Laja Designated 2011 5.66 Not Applicable Not Reported 0
La Campana - Peñuelas Designated 1984 171.00 Not Applicable Not Reported 0
Laguna San Rafael Designated 1979 17420.00 Not Applicable Not Reported 0
Lauca Designated 1981 3583.12 Not Applicable GOBI Survey 2006
Torres del Paine Designated 1978 17844.14 Not Applicable Not Reported 0
Forest Reserve
Alacalufes Designated 1988 23138.75 IV Not Reported 0
Alto Biobio Designated 1912 330.50 IV METT; RAPPAM 0; 2005
Cerro Castillo Designated 1970 1795.50 IV METT; RAPPAM 2007; 2005
China Muerta Designated 1968 98.87 IV RAPPAM 2005
Coyhaique Designated 1948 21.50 IV Not Reported 0
Federico Albert Designated 1981 1.45 IV METT 0
Katalalixar Designated 1984 6745.00 IV Not Reported 0
Lago Carlota Designated 1965 180.60 IV Not Reported 0
Lago Cochrane Designated 1967 80.63 IV Not Reported 0
Lago Las Torres Designated 1982 165.16 IV Not Reported 0
Lago Palena Designated 1965 493.91 IV METT; RAPPAM 0; 2005
Lago Penuelas Designated 1952 90.94 IV Not Reported 0
Lago Rosselot Designated 1983 127.25 IV Not Reported 0
Laguna Parrillar Designated 1977 184.14 IV Not Reported 0
Las Guaitecas Designated 1938 10979.75 IV Not Reported 0
Llanquihue Designated 1912 339.72 IV METT 0
Magallanes Designated 1932 208.78 IV Not Reported 0
Malalcahuello Designated 1931 127.89 IV RAPPAM 2005
Malleco Designated 1907 166.23 IV RAPPAM 2005
Nalcas Designated 1967 137.75 IV RAPPAM 2005
Nuble Designated 1979 559.48 IV METT; RAPPAM 0; 2005
Rio Blanco Designated 1932 0.10 IV Not Reported 0
Villarrica Designated 1912 613.52 IV RAPPAM 2005
Marine and Coastal Protected Area
Coral Nui Nui Designated 2000 0.15 IV Not Reported 0
Fiordo Comau- San Ignacio de Huinay Designated 2003 4.15 IV Not Reported 0
Francisco Coloane Designated 2004 653.50 IV METT 2010
Hanga Oteo Designated 2000 3.48 IV Not Reported 0
Lafken Mapu Lahual Designated 2006 44.64 IV METT 2010
Las Cruces Designated 2005 0.18 IV Not Reported 0
Mar de Juan Fernández Designated 2017 11027.66 IV Not Reported 0
Motu Tautara Designated 2000 0.11 IV Not Reported 0
Pitipalena-Añihue Designated 2015 238.62 IV Not Reported 0
Punta Morro - Desembocadura río Copiapó - Isla grande de Atacama Designated 2005 39.94 IV METT 2010
Marine Park
El Arenal Designated 2017 0.44 Ia Not Reported 0
El Palillo Designated 2017 0.04 Ia Not Reported 0
Francisco Coloane Designated 2003 15.63 Ia Not Reported 0
Lobería Selkirk Designated 2017 2.58 Ia Not Reported 0
Montes submarinos Crusoe y Selkirk Designated 2017 1078.00 Ia Not Reported 0
Motu Motiro Hiva Designated 2010 150000.00 Ia Not Reported 0
Nazca-Desventuradas Designated 2016 300035.00 Ia Not Reported 0
Tierra Blanca Designated 2017 0.39 Ia Not Reported 0
Marine Reserve
Bahía Moreno - La Rinconada Designated 1997 3.40 IV Not Reported 0
Isla Chañaral Designated 2005 26.96 IV Not Reported 0
Islas Choros - Damas Designated 2005 37.78 IV Not Reported 0
Pullinque Designated 2004 2.44 IV Not Reported 0
Putemún Designated 2004 7.53 IV Not Reported 0
National Park
Alberto De Agostini Designated 1965 0.00 II Not Reported 0
Alerce Andino Designated 1983 392.55 II METT 2004
Alerce Costero Designated 2010 139.75 Not Reported METT; RAPPAM 2004; 2005
Archipielago Juan Fernadez Designated 1935 95.71 II METT 2009
Bernardo O'Higgins Designated 1969 35259.01 II Not Reported 0
Bosque Fray Jorge Designated 1941 8.45 II METT 0
Cabo de Hornos Designated 1945 0.00 II Not Reported 0
Chiloe Designated 1983 425.68 II METT; RAPPAM 0; 2005
Conguillio Designated 1970 608.33 II METT; RAPPAM 0; 2005
Corcovado Designated 2005 2939.86 II METT 2006
Hornopiren Designated 1988 482.32 II METT; RAPPAM 2004; 2005
Huerquehue Designated 1967 125.00 II RAPPAM 2005
Isla Guamblin Designated 1970 106.25 II Not Reported 0
Isla Magdalena Designated 1983 1576.40 II Not Reported 0
La Campana Designated 1967 80.00 II METT 0
Laguna del Laja Designated 1958 116.00 II METT; RAPPAM 0; 2005
Laguna San Rafael Designated 1959 17420.00 II METT; RAPPAM 2007; 2005
Lauca Designated 1970 1378.83 II METT 0
Llanos del Challe Designated 1994 457.08 II Not Reported 0
Llullaillaco Designated 1995 2686.71 II Not Reported 0
Morro Moreno Designated 2010 73.14 II Not Reported 0
Nahuelbuta Designated 1939 68.31 II RAPPAM 2005
Nevado Tres Cruces Designated 1994 590.82 II METT 0
Pali Aike Designated 1970 50.30 II Not Reported 0
Palmas de Cocalan Designated 1972 37.09 II Not Reported 0
Pan De Azucar Designated 1986 437.54 II METT 0
Puyehue Designated 1941 1067.72 II METT 2004
Queulat Designated 1983 1540.93 II RAPPAM 2005
Radal Siete Tazas Designated 1996 41.38 II METT 2010
Rapa Nui Designated 1966 71.30 II Not Reported 0
Tolhuaca Designated 1935 63.74 II RAPPAM 2005
Torres del Paine Designated 1959 0.00 II METT 2007
Vicente Perez Rosales Designated 1926 2537.80 II METT; RAPPAM 0; 2005
Villarrica Designated 1941 0.00 II RAPPAM 2005
Volcan Isluga Designated 1967 1747.44 II METT 0
Yendegaia Designated 2014 1508.87 II Not Reported 0
National Reserve
Altos de Lircay Designated 1996 0.00 IV RAPPAM 2005
Altos de Pemehue Designated 2009 188.56 IV Not Reported 0
Bellotos El Melado Designated 1995 4.17 IV METT; RAPPAM 0; 2005
El Yali Designated 1996 5.20 IV Not Reported 0
Futaleufu Designated 1998 120.65 IV METT; RAPPAM 2004; 2005
Huemules de Niblinto Designated 1999 20.23 IV Not Reported 0
Isla Mocha Designated 1988 21.82 IV Not Reported 0
La Chimba Designated 1988 25.83 IV Not Reported 0
Lago Jeinemeni Designated 1998 1611.00 IV Not Reported 0
Laguna Torca Designated 1986 2.34 IV RAPPAM 2005
Las Chinchillas Designated 1984 42.29 IV Not Reported 0
Las Vicunas Designated 1983 2091.31 IV METT 0
Los Flamencos Designated 1990 739.87 IV METT 0
Los Queules Designated 1995 1.47 IV RAPPAM 2005
Los Ruiles Designated 1982 0.45 IV METT; RAPPAM 0; 2005
Mocho - Choshuenco Designated 1994 75.36 IV METT 0
Nonguen Designated 2010 30.37 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Pampa del Tamarugal Designated 1988 1271.49 IV METT 0
Pinguino de Humbolt Designated 1990 8.59 IV METT 0
Radal Siete Tazas Designated 1996 10.09 IV METT; RAPPAM 0; 2005
Ralco Designated 1988 124.21 IV RAPPAM 2005
Rio Clarillo Designated 1982 101.85 IV METT 0
Rio Los Cipreses Designated 1986 385.82 IV METT 0
Rio Simpsom Designated 2000 416.20 IV RAPPAM 2005
Robleria Cobre Loncha Designated 1996 58.70 IV Not Reported 0
Trapananda Designated 1992 23.05 IV Not Reported 0
Natural Monument
Cerro Nielol Designated 1988 0.90 III METT; RAPPAM 0; 2005
Cinco Hermanas Designated 1982 2.28 III Not Reported 0
Contulmo Designated 1982 0.82 III RAPPAM 2005
Cueva Del Milodon Designated 1994 1.89 III Not Reported 0
Dos Lagunas Designated 1982 1.81 III Not Reported 0
El Morado Designated 1995 30.09 III METT 0
Isla Cachagua Designated 1989 0.04 III Not Reported 0
Islotes de Punihuil Designated 2000 0.09 III METT 0
La Portada Designated 1990 0.31 III Not Reported 0
Laguna de los Cisnes Designated 1982 0.25 III Not Reported 0
Lahuen Nadi Designated 2000 2.00 III METT 2004
Los Pinguinos Designated 1982 0.97 III Not Reported 0
Paposo Norte Designated 2014 75.33 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Pichasca Designated 1986 1.28 III Not Reported 0
Quebrada Cardones Designated 2010 67.18 III Not Reported 0
Salar De Surire Designated 1983 112.98 III METT 0
Nature Sanctuary
Acantilados Federico Santa María Designated 2006 2.96 IV Not Reported 0
Alerzales existentes en el Fundo Potrero de Anay Designated 1976 0.00 IV Not Reported 0
Alto Huemul Designated 1996 190.00 IV Not Reported 0
Bosque de Calabacillo de Navidad Designated 2013 0.11 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Bosque fósil de Punta Pelluco Designated 1978 0.04 IV Not Reported 0
Cajón del Río Achibueno Designated 2015 45.89 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Campo dunar de la punta de Concón Designated 2013 0.00 IV Not Reported 0
Capilla de Mármol Designated 1994 0.50 IV Not Reported 0
Cerro Dragón Designated 2005 3.38 IV Not Reported 0
El Ajial Designated 2016 21.34 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Estero Derecho Designated 2015 316.80 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Estero Quitralco Designated 1996 1.76 IV Not Reported 0
Granito Orbicular Designated 1981 0.02 IV Not Reported 0
Horcón de Piedra Designated 2011 19.68 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Humedal de la Desembocadura del Río Lluta Designated 2009 0.31 IV Not Reported 0
Humedal de Reloca Designated 2005 3.94 IV Not Reported 0
Humedal de Tunquén Designated 2015 0.96 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Isla de Cachagua Designated 1979 0.00 IV Not Reported 0
Isla de Sala y Gómez e islotes adyacentes a la Isla de Pascua Designated 1976 0.00 IV Not Reported 0
Isla Kaikué-Lagartija Designated 2017 0.01 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Islote o Peñón de Peña Blanca y las formaciones rocosas de la Punta de Peña Blanca Designated 1982 0.00 IV Not Reported 0
Islote Pájaros Niños Designated 1978 0.00 IV Not Reported 0
Islotes Lobería y Lobería Iglesia de Piedra de Cobquecura Designated 1992 2.61 IV Not Reported 0
Laguna Conchalí Designated 2000 0.51 IV Not Reported 0
Laguna El Peral Designated 1975 0.00 IV Not Reported 0
Laguna Torca Designated 1975 0.00 IV Not Reported 0
Las Petras de Quintero y su Entorno Designated 1993 0.42 IV Not Reported 0
Las Torcazas de Pirque Designated 2007 8.27 IV Not Reported 0
Los Nogales Designated 1973 110.25 IV Not Reported 0
Palmar El Salto Designated 1998 3.28 IV Not Reported 0
Parque Pumalín Designated 2005 2886.89 IV Not Reported 0
Península de Hualpén Designated 1976 0.00 IV Not Reported 0
Predio Cascada de las Ánimas Designated 1995 36.00 IV Not Reported 0
Predio El Morrillo Designated 2005 11.00 IV Not Reported 0
Predio Los Huemules del Niblinto Designated 1998 78.52 IV Not Reported 0
Predio Sector Altos de Cantillana - Horcón de Piedra y Roblería Cajón de Lisboa Designated 2010 27.43 IV METT 2005
Predios San Francisco de Lagunilla y Quillayal Designated 2008 134.26 IV Not Reported 0
Quebrada de Chacarilla Designated 2004 160.70 IV Not Reported 0
Quebrada de Córdova Designated 2017 1.37 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Quebrada de La Plata Designated 2017 11.11 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Río Cruces y Chorocomayo Designated 1981 48.77 IV METT; RAPPAM 2004; 2005
Roca Oceánica Designated 1990 0.00 IV Not Reported 0
Rocas de Constitución Designated 2007 1.08 IV Not Reported 0
Salar de Huasco Designated 2005 99.50 IV Not Reported 0
San Juan de Piche Designated 2013 16.11 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Sector del Cerro El Roble Designated 2000 9.96 IV Not Reported 0
Serranía el Ciprés Designated 2006 11.15 IV Not Reported 0
Valle de La Luna y parte de la Sierra de Orbate Designated 1982 0.00 IV Not Reported 0
Yerba Loca Designated 1973 390.29 IV Not Reported 0