2018 United Nations List of Protected Areas of Austria

Information extracted from the July 2018 WDPA release

This list was compiled from data based on the July 2018 version of the WDPA. In addition to protected areas with spatial data in the WDPA, the 2018 version of the UN List includes sites for which no spatial data is available but which have been provided by the relevant country. Management effectiveness information is extracted from GD-PAME. Both databases are updated and released via www.protectedplanet.net on a monthly basis. The depiction and use of boundaries and related data shown on maps are not guaranteed to be error free nor do they necessarily imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Designation Type/ Designation in English / Name of Protected Areas Status Year of designation Area (km2) IUCN category PAME methodology Year of PAME assessment
Ramsar Site, Wetland of International Importance
Autertal - St. Lorenzener Hochmoor Designated 2011 0.48 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Bayerische Wildalm and Wildalmfilz Designated 2004 1.33 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Donau-March-Thaya-Auen Designated 1982 360.90 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Güssing Fishponds Designated 2013 1.48 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Hörfeld-Moor Designated 1996 1.37 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Lafnitztal Designated 2002 21.80 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Mires of Pass Thurn Designated 2004 1.90 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Mires of the Sauerfelder Wald Designated 2004 1.19 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Mires of the Schwarzenberg Designated 2004 2.67 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Mires of the Überling Designated 2004 2.65 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Moor- und Seenlandschaft Keutschach-Schiefling Designated 2004 5.43 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Moore am Nassköhr Designated 2004 2.11 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Nationalpark Kalkalpen Designated 2004 185.32 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Neusiedlersee, Seewinkel & Hanság Designated 1982 442.29 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Pürgschachen Moor Designated 1991 0.62 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Rheindelta Designated 1982 20.65 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Rotmoos im Fuschertal Designated 1995 0.58 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Sablatnigmoor Designated 1992 0.96 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Stauseen am Unteren Inn Designated 1982 8.70 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Untere Lobau Designated 1982 9.15 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Upper Drava River Designated 2014 10.29 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Waldviertel ponds, peat bogs & floodplains Designated 1999 130.00 Not Reported Not Reported 0
Wilder Kaiser Designated 2013 37.81 Not Reported Not Reported 0
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve
Grosses Walsertal Designated 2000 192.00 Not Applicable GOBI Survey; Stockholm BR Survey 2006; 2008
Wienerwald Designated 2005 60.00 Not Applicable GOBI Survey; Stockholm BR Survey 2006; 2008
World Heritage Site (natural or mixed)
Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe Inscribed 2007 583.53 Not Applicable WHA Outlook Report 2014
Biosphere Park
Biosphärenpark Großes Walsertal Designated 2000 192.18 VI Not Reported 0
Biosphärenpark Wienerwald Designated 2009 98.94 VI Not Reported 0
Biosphärenpark Wienerwald Designated 2008 957.00 VI Not Reported 0
Nockberge Designated 2012 484.77 V Not Reported 0
Ecological Development Area
Erdberger-Stadtwildnis Designated 2001 0.01 IV Not Reported 0
Franz Glaser Höhe Designated 2000 0.00 IV Not Reported 0
Stefan Zweigplatz-Korngasse Designated 2000 0.00 IV Not Reported 0
ex-lege landscape protection
Ex lege Landschaftsschutzgebiete Designated 1958 11.70 V Not Reported 0
Flora Protection Area
Hochifen und Gottesackerwände Designated 1964 29.19 IV Not Reported 0
Körbersee Designated 1958 3.09 IV Not Reported 0
Nenzinger Himmel Designated 1958 10.74 IV Not Reported 0
Obertauern Designated 1972 22.57 V Not Reported 0
Untersberg Designated 1983 44.04 V Not Reported 0
landscape and nature protection area
Dolnji Trink Designated 1989 0.02 IV Not Reported 0
Neusiedler See und Umgebung Designated 1980 500.88 IV Not Reported 0
Siegendorfer Pußta und Heide Designated 1970 0.28 IV Not Reported 0
Teichwiesen Designated 1979 0.15 IV Not Reported 0
Landscape Protection Area
"Felbertal, Amertaleröd und Dorferöd" Designated 1980 97.84 V Not Reported 0
Achstürze - Piburger See Designated 1983 2.04 V Not Reported 0
Afritzer See Designated 1970 1.39 V Not Reported 0
Aichwaldsee Designated 1970 0.26 V Not Reported 0
Aigner Au Designated 1980 0.11 V Not Reported 0
Alpenrosenhain Lendorf Designated 1971 0.68 V Not Reported 0
Altpernstein Designated 2006 0.41 V Not Reported 0
Ameisensee Designated 1980 1.07 V Not Reported 0
Amering-Stubalpe Designated 1981 219.09 V Not Reported 0
Arzler Pitzeklamm Designated 2003 0.31 V Not Reported 0
Auen Designated 1984 1.14 V Not Reported 0
Äußeres Pöllatal Designated 1973 17.30 V Not Reported 0
Bärenkopf Designated 1988 13.24 V Not Reported 0
Bernstein - Lockenhaus - Rechnitz Designated 1972 264.94 V Not Reported 0
Biri - Noplerberg Designated 2013 1.03 V Not Reported 0
Bisamberg und seine Umgebung Designated 1979 11.97 V Not Reported 0
Bodensdorf Designated 1970 0.12 V Not Reported 0
Böndlsee Designated 1980 1.02 V Not Reported 0
Brucker Zeller Moos Designated 1980 0.24 V Not Reported 0
Buchenberg Designated 1987 2.37 V Not Reported 0
Bundschuhtal-Lungauer Nockgebiet Designated 1980 22.17 V Not Reported 0
Burg Hochosterwitz Designated 1970 2.86 V Not Reported 0
Burgberg Straßfried Designated 1971 0.29 V Not Reported 0
Dachstein-Salzkammergut Designated 1997 362.19 V Not Reported 0
Danielsberg Designated 1970 1.31 V Not Reported 0
Derther Platte Designated 1971 0.39 V Not Reported 0
Dietmanns Designated 1987 4.74 V Not Reported 0
Dietrichstein Designated 1976 0.32 V Not Reported 0
Dobersberg Designated 1979 15.17 V Not Reported 0
Döbling Designated 1990 12.08 V Not Reported 0
Donau-March-Thaya-Auen Designated 1982 188.38 V Not Reported 0
Donaustadt Designated 2015 14.67 V Not Reported 0
Egelsee bei Abtenau Designated 1980 1.19 V Not Reported 0
Eggerteich Designated 1981 0.78 V Not Reported 0
Ehrentalerberg Designated 1984 0.53 V Not Reported 0
Eibensee Designated 1980 1.28 V Not Reported 0
Ennstal von Ardning bis Pruggern Designated 2007 49.36 V Not Reported 0
Ennstaler und Eisenerzer Alpen Designated 2009 375.08 V Not Reported 0
Enzesfeld-Lindabrunn-Hernstein Designated 1979 66.30 V Not Reported 0
Faaker See-Ost Designated 1970 5.20 V Not Reported 0
Faaker See-West Designated 1970 3.92 V Not Reported 0
Faaker See Insel Designated 1970 0.08 V Not Reported 0
Falkenstein Designated 1981 34.40 V Not Reported 0
Falzthurntal-Gerntal Designated 1988 8.75 V Not Reported 0
Farchtner See Designated 1970 2.09 V Not Reported 0
Fasanenau Designated 1994 0.02 V Not Reported 0
Favoriten Designated 2015 9.02 V Not Reported 0
Feldaisttal Designated 1986 0.63 V Not Reported 0
Filblingsee Designated 1980 1.08 V Not Reported 0
Flatschacher See - Krahkogel Designated 1970 2.82 V Not Reported 0
Floridsdorf Designated 2015 14.01 V Not Reported 0
Forstheide Designated 1983 13.57 V Not Reported 0
Furtnerteich und Grebenzen Designated 1981 88.74 V Not Reported 0
Fuschlsee Designated 1981 6.58 V Not Reported 0
Gamsstein-Voralpe Designated 1987 49.38 V Not Reported 0
Gasteinertal Designated 1980 43.57 V Not Reported 0
Geras und seine Umgebung Designated 1979 33.38 V Not Reported 0
Gerhardstein-Hintertal-Weißbacher-Gemeinschaftsalmen-Landschaftsschutzgebietsverordnung Designated 2007 28.15 V Not Reported 0
Gleichenberger-Kgl. - Kapfenstein-B. - Stradner-Kogel Designated 1981 51.79 V Not Reported 0
Goggausee Designated 1970 1.08 V Not Reported 0
Goldegger See Designated 1983 1.16 V Not Reported 0
Göll-Hagen-Hochkönig-Stein.Meer Designated 1980 36.78 V Not Reported 0
Gösselsdorfer See Designated 1970 3.93 V Not Reported 0
Göttweigerberg und seine Umgebung Designated 1979 1.73 V Not Reported 0
Griffner Schloßberg Designated 1971 0.10 V Not Reported 0
Großer Ahornboden Designated 1988 2.67 V Not Reported 0
Großfragant Designated 1973 11.22 V Not Reported 0
Großglockner Hochalpenstraße Designated 1984 7.17 V Not Reported 0
Großpertholz Designated 1987 5.26 V Not Reported 0
Gurina Designated 1971 0.47 V Not Reported 0
Haidensee-Hardegg Designated 1970 2.45 V Not Reported 0
Hakarsee Designated 1980 0.91 V Not Reported 0
Hangwiesen Rohrbach; Loipersbach; Schattendorf Designated 1979 0.99 V Not Reported 0
Hefferthorn - Fellhorn - Sonnenberg Designated 1983 69.55 V Not Reported 0
Hemmaberg Designated 1970 2.94 V Not Reported 0
Herberstein Klamm; Freienberger Klamm Designated 1981 22.28 V Not Reported 0
Hernals Designated 2001 5.93 V Not Reported 0
Herzogstuhl Designated 1970 0.85 V Not Reported 0
Hietzing Designated 1998 3.65 V Not Reported 0
Hintersee Designated 1980 3.38 V Not Reported 0
Hochrindl-Seebachern Designated 1981 9.63 V Not Reported 0
Hochschwab - Staritzen Designated 1981 456.63 V Not Reported 0
Hochtal Lassing Designated 1997 25.89 V Not Reported 0
Hohe Wand - Dürre Wand Designated 1979 133.21 V Not Reported 0
Hörzendorfer See-Tanzenberg Designated 1970 4.46 V Not Reported 0
Hundsteinsee Designated 1980 1.02 V Not Reported 0
Hüttschlager Talschlüsse Designated 1980 35.28 V Not Reported 0
Innerkrems Designated 1986 4.74 V Not Reported 0
Irlacher Au Designated 1981 1.67 V Not Reported 0
Jägersee Designated 1980 1.36 V Not Reported 0
Jeserzer (Saisser) See Designated 1970 1.14 V Not Reported 0
Johannisbachklamm Designated 1979 22.62 V Not Reported 0
Kamptal Designated 1979 331.17 V Not Reported 0
Kapuzinerberg Designated 1980 0.75 V Not Reported 0
Karnburg Designated 1970 0.05 V Not Reported 0
Katharinakogel Designated 1971 0.29 V Not Reported 0
Kellerviertel Designated 1969 0.59 V Not Reported 0
Kerschbaumertal und Galitzenbachgraben Designated 1986 3.99 V Not Reported 0
Keutschacher See-Tal Designated 1970 25.00 V Not Reported 0
Kirchkogel; Haidenberg Designated 1981 4.80 V Not Reported 0
Kleinsee Designated 1970 1.28 V Not Reported 0
Königsleiten-Salzachursprung-Nadernach Designated 1980 35.37 V Not Reported 0
Koralpe Designated 1981 20.29 V Not Reported 0
Kraiger Schlösser Designated 1970 5.54 V Not Reported 0
Kreuzbergl Designated 1970 6.79 V Not Reported 0
Kulturterrassen in Ödenkirchen Designated 2002 0.53 V Not Reported 0
Lahntal Designated 1980 2.09 V Not Reported 0
Lamprechtskogel und Trixner Schlösser Designated 1992 0.94 V Not Reported 0
Landseer Berge Designated 2006 8.95 V Not Reported 0
Längsee Designated 1970 3.90 V Not Reported 0
Lantschfeldtal - Ob. Zederhaustal - Ob. Murtal Designated 1989 202.31 V Not Reported 0
Laßnitzau Designated 1981 3.07 V Not Reported 0
Lauteracher Ried Designated 1982 5.79 V Not Reported 0
Leiser Berge Designated 1979 67.75 V Not Reported 0
Leithagebirge Designated 1984 8.02 V Not Reported 0
Lendspitz-Siebenhügel Designated 1970 1.11 V Not Reported 0
Leonstein Designated 1970 0.22 V Not Reported 0
Leopoldskroner Moos Designated 1981 6.54 V Not Reported 0
Leopoldskroner Weiher Designated 1980 0.81 V Not Reported 0
Liesing Designated 1990 6.54 V Not Reported 0
LSG-Rosalia-Kogelberg Designated 2006 36.06 V Not Reported 0
Lugingersee Designated 1980 1.15 V Not Reported 0
Magdalensberg Designated 1970 3.39 V Not Reported 0
Maiernigg Designated 1970 0.26 V Not Reported 0
Mariazell; Seeberg Designated 1981 231.29 V Not Reported 0
Martinswand-Solstein-Reither Spitze Designated 1988 49.26 V Not Reported 0
Mieminger Plateau Designated 1981 9.19 V Not Reported 0
Millstätter See - Süd Designated 1970 19.66 V Not Reported 0
Mönchsberg-Rainberg Designated 1981 0.84 V Not Reported 0
Moosburger Teichlandschaft Designated 1970 2.02 V Not Reported 0
Mösli Designated 2010 2.07 V Not Reported 0
Murauen Graz-Werndorf Designated 1981 14.08 V Not Reported 0
Murauen im Leibnitzer Feld Designated 1981 13.82 V Not Reported 0
Murauen Mureck - Radkersburg - Klöch Designated 1981 109.46 V Not Reported 0
Naturpark Landseer Berge Designated 2000 56.43 V Not Reported 0
Niedere Tauern Designated 1986 196.86 V Not Reported 0
Nordkette Designated 1988 18.25 V Not Reported 0
Nördliches und östliches Hügelland von Graz Designated 1981 116.32 V Not Reported 0
Nößlachjoch - Obernberger See - Tribulaune Designated 1984 93.41 V Not Reported 0
Oberes Pulkautal Designated 1979 38.22 V Not Reported 0
Oberhüttensee Designated 1980 0.86 V Not Reported 0
Oberpinzgauer Nationalpark-Vorfeld Designated 2003 46.82 V Not Reported 0
Obertauern Designated 1981 42.47 V Not Reported 0
Ossiacher See-Ost Designated 1970 2.89 V Not Reported 0
Ossiacher See-West Designated 1970 0.25 V Not Reported 0
Ötscher-Dürrenstein Designated 1979 801.67 V Not Reported 0
Ottakring Designated 2004 2.29 V Not Reported 0
Pack; Reinischkogel; Rosenkogel Designated 1981 231.97 V Not Reported 0
Palten- und Liesingtal Designated 1981 33.46 V Not Reported 0
Patscherkofel-Zirmberg Designated 1994 15.78 V Not Reported 0
Peggauer Wand - Lurgrotte Designated 1981 11.31 V Not Reported 0
Penzing Designated 2004 19.76 V Not Reported 0
Pfandler-Au Designated 1993 0.13 V Not Reported 0
Pirkdorfer See Designated 2014 0.03 V Not Reported 0
Plainberg Designated 1981 1.98 V Not Reported 0
Plesch; Walzkogel; Pfaffenkogel Designated 1981 64.83 V Not Reported 0
Pöllauer Tal Designated 1981 122.83 V Not Reported 0
Pörtschacher Halbinsel Designated 1970 0.04 V Not Reported 0
Postalm Designated 1980 14.06 V Not Reported 0
Prater Designated 1998 5.13 V Not Reported 0
Pressegger See Designated 1970 4.14 V Not Reported 0
Priedröf Designated 1986 16.11 V Not Reported 0
Puchheimer Au Designated 2002 0.11 V Not Reported 0
Pyramidenkogel Designated 1970 7.83 V Not Reported 0
Raab Designated 1997 147.59 V Not Reported 0
Rabenstein Kellau Designated 1981 4.38 V Not Reported 0
Rauth Designated 1970 1.55 V Not Reported 0
Rax-Schneeberg Designated 1979 718.34 V Not Reported 0
Reiting - Eisenerzer Reichenstein Designated 1981 91.22 V Not Reported 0
Retzer Hügelland Designated 1989 4.45 V Not Reported 0
Riegersburg Designated 1981 7.32 V Not Reported 0
Riegetal Designated 2003 4.14 V Not Reported 0
Roadlberg Designated 1997 0.51 V Not Reported 0
Roßfeldstraße Designated 1980 0.50 V Not Reported 0
Rottenmanner - Triebener Tauern; Seckauer Alpen Designated 1981 530.33 V Not Reported 0
Ruine Landskron Designated 1970 2.36 V Not Reported 0
Salzachsee Saalachspitz Designated 1982 1.84 V Not Reported 0
Salzburg-Süd Designated 1981 11.25 V Not Reported 0
Salzkammergut Designated 1997 59.86 V Not Reported 0
Sandgrube Mäder Designated 1976 0.04 V Not Reported 0
Schafberg-Salzkammergutseen Designated 1981 56.25 V Not Reported 0
Schalchhamer Auwald Designated 1992 0.05 V Not Reported 0
Schladminger Tauern bis Sölkpaß Designated 1981 431.01 V Not Reported 0
Schöckl - Weizklamm - Hochlantsch Designated 1981 380.70 V Not Reported 0
Schrottkogel Designated 1970 5.06 V Not Reported 0
Schütt-Ost Designated 1970 1.15 V Not Reported 0
Schütt-West Designated 1970 9.48 V Not Reported 0
Seebenstein-Scheiblingkirchen-Thernberg Designated 1987 9.88 V Not Reported 0
Seetalersee Designated 1980 2.14 IV Not Reported 0
Seewaldsee Designated 1980 1.44 V Not Reported 0
Serles - Habicht - Zuckerhütl Designated 1984 183.98 V Not Reported 0
Sierningtal Designated 1979 32.87 V Not Reported 0
Siezenheimer Au Designated 1981 1.46 V Not Reported 0
Soboth; Radlpaß Designated 1981 102.16 V Not Reported 0
Spertental - Rettenstein Designated 1984 40.97 V Not Reported 0
Spitalberg Designated 1984 0.61 V Not Reported 0
St. Georgsberg Designated 1970 1.53 V Not Reported 0
St. Urbaner See Designated 1970 1.43 V Not Reported 0
Steinbergwald Designated 1979 2.56 V Not Reported 0
Strudengau und Umgebung Designated 1979 123.60 V Not Reported 0
Strußnig Teich Designated 1979 1.74 V Not Reported 0
Stuhleck; Pretul Designated 1981 19.13 V Not Reported 0
Südburgenländisches Hügel- und Terrassenland Designated 1974 137.64 V Not Reported 0
Südweststeirisches Weinland Designated 2001 301.55 V Not Reported 0
Tal der Kleinen Gusen Designated 2000 0.29 V Not Reported 0
Tappenkarsee Designated 1980 2.36 V Not Reported 0
Techelsberger Kleinsee Designated 1970 2.02 V Not Reported 0
Tennengebirge Designated 1986 47.78 V Not Reported 0
Teurnia Designated 1971 0.78 V Not Reported 0
Thayatal Designated 1979 21.16 V Not Reported 0
Tiffner Kirche Designated 1970 0.14 V Not Reported 0
Treimischer Teich Designated 1970 0.28 V Not Reported 0
Trumer Seen Designated 1986 14.22 V Not Reported 0
Turnersee Designated 1970 2.53 V Not Reported 0
Turracher Grünsee Designated 1970 0.74 V Not Reported 0
Turracher Schwarzsee Designated 1970 0.57 V Not Reported 0
Twenger Au Designated 1982 1.32 V Not Reported 0
Ulrichsberg Designated 1970 3.25 V Not Reported 0
Unterhimmel Designated 2007 0.31 V Not Reported 0
Untersberg Designated 1981 44.04 V Not Reported 0
Untersberg-Vorland Designated 1981 1.93 V Not Reported 0
Urstein Designated 1980 1.13 V Not Reported 0
Vassacher See Designated 1970 0.32 V Not Reported 0
Veitsch; Schneealpe; Rax Designated 1981 232.14 V Not Reported 0
Villa Alban Berg Designated 1971 0.12 V Not Reported 0
Villacher Alpe (Dobratsch) Designated 1970 38.80 V Not Reported 0
Virunum Designated 1970 1.97 V Not Reported 0
Vorberg Designated 1988 25.03 V Not Reported 0
Wachau und Umgebung Designated 1979 457.75 V European Diploma 1994
Währing Designated 2007 1.53 V Not Reported 0
Waldbach - Vorau - Hochwechsel Designated 1981 197.67 V Not Reported 0
Wallersee Designated 1971 11.70 V Not Reported 0
Warscheneck-Gruppe Designated 1981 140.41 V Not Reported 0
Warscheneck-Süd - Frauenkar Designated 2002 0.48 V Not Reported 0
Warscheneck-Süd - Wurzeralm Designated 2000 2.57 V